A man 和 a woman in front of their new house shaking h和s with their realtor.


 A man 和 a woman in front of their new house shaking h和s with their realtor.

买房或租房有利有弊. 在找房子的时候应该考虑什么? 学习如何寻找一个家,什么时候要考虑融资.

拥有自己的房子一直是美国梦的一部分, 很多美国人已经做到了. 根据美国最近的统计数据.S. 人口普查局,65.8%的美国家庭住在业主自住的房子里. 1

虽然…的过程 买房 is often complex 和 confusing, it can be simplified by dividing it into several parts:

租和. 房屋所有权

两者都有优点和缺点 买房:

  优势 缺点
流动性: Renter can move without worrying about selling the home or the home's market value at time of sale.
初始投资成本: 不需要大笔的首付款.
每月的成本: Monthly rent usually less than 抵押贷款 payment; in some areas rents are controlled; other opportunities may provide greater investment return.
维护: 很少或没有维护责任.
每月的成本: 租金会随着时间的推移而上涨.
股票: 租房者在房屋中不建立资产净值.
空间: 通常占地面积更小.
个性化: 更少的自由来装饰家.
税收: 不扣除租金. 2
购买 每月的成本: 用固定利率抵押贷款, monthly payments remain level; with a variable rate 抵押贷款, 月供可以波动.
股票: 随着时间的推移,房主可以建立大量的资产.
空间: 通常比租来的房子面积更大.
个性化: 平时的装修能让家体现主人的口味吗.
税收: 利息和财产税可以抵扣. 2
流动性: Ownership limits ability to move; homeowner must be concerned with selling the home as well as the home's market value at time of sale.
初始投资成本: 通常需要大量现金支付首付款和成交费用.
每月的成本: Monthly 抵押贷款 payment typically higher than monthly rent; other opportunities may provide greater investment return.
维护: 房主通常负责所有的维护和修理.



  • 有资格获得抵押贷款的: 大多数购房者通过贷款购买房屋。抵押贷款.“尽管实际标准因银行而异, the following factors are frequently considered in evaluating a 抵押贷款 application:
    • 信用评分: 潜在借款人的身份是什么 信用评分? It's a numerical value measuring how well (or how poorly) a loan applicant has dealt with debt in the past.
    • 定金: 未来的借款人能够支付多少首付款? 10%? 20%? 30%? 没有一个?
    • 贷款用途: Is the home being purchased as an investment or as a place w在这里 the borrower will actually live?
  • 每月还款额是多少? In considering a loan application, a lender may also apply certain financial "tests.其中一项测试限制了月供, 加上其他债务的月供, 不超过消费者月总收入的36%. 例如, 如果消费者的月总收入是4美元,000, the monthly housing payment plus any other debt repayment should not exceed $1,440 ($4,000 x .36).

给定一个指定的每月付款限额, the next step is to determine what size 抵押贷款 that monthly payment will allow. The answer to this depends on the number of years to repay the loan 和 the annual interest rate. 下表说明了每月付款总额的大致情况 3 在不同的期限和利率假设下.

贷款金额 4.5%年息
15年 30年 15年 30年 15年 30年
$100,000 $877.49 $619.19 $929.58 $680.29 $983.61 $744.57
$200,000 $1,754.99 $1,238.37 $1,859.17 $1,360.58 $1,967.21 $1,489.14
$300,000 $2,632.48 $1,857.56 $2,788.75 $2,040.87 $2,950.82 $2,233.70
$400,000 $3,509.97 $2,476.74 $3,718.33 $2,721.16 $3,934.43 $2,978.27
$500,000 $4,387.47 $3,095.93 $4,647.92 $3,401.45 $4,918.04 $3,722.84
  • 首付款及成交费用 : Lenders frequently require a homebuyer to pay a certain portion of the home price in cash. Depending on the lender, this down payment usually ranges from 5% to 20% of the purchase price. 首付不到20%, 贷款人可以要求借款人申请私人按揭pp王者电子官网, 在买方违约的情况下,怎样保护贷款人. Under some government programs, a buyer may be allowed to purchase a home with no down payment. 买方还需要支付一定的“成交费用”。, 与处理销售有关的费用和收费. 成交费用可能是购买价的3%到6%.
  • 利息及物业税的扣除: A homebuyer will also want to consider the "after-tax" cost of 房屋所有权. Taxpayers who meet certain requirements may be able to deduct 抵押贷款 interest 和 property taxes from taxable income. 例如, 假设纳税人支付10美元,000 in deductible 抵押贷款 interest 和 property taxes during a year 和 is in a 24% marginal tax bracket, 这些费用的税后成本是7美元,600 ($10,000 x .24 = $2,400; $10,000 - $2,400 = $7,600). 4


什么样的家? 房屋所有权有三种基本形式:

  财产拥有 出售或出租 维护 老板支付 其他问题
独栋房屋 建筑和土地 业主可以决定出租或出售房屋. 业主负责所有的维修和保养. 抵押贷款、pp王者电子官网和房地产税. 以居所作抵押的贷款. 更大的自由来个性化家庭. 更多的责任.
公寓 个人生活空间. 房主协会拥有建筑物、土地和公共区域. 业主可以决定出售. 对租房的限制各不相同. 房屋业主协会支付大部分的房屋维护和维修费用. 抵押贷款, insurance 和 taxes on individual unit; monthly fee to homeowner's association; 抵押贷款 secured by individual unit Can be more restrictive with regard to issues such as children, pets, outside decoration. 更少的维护问题. 是否有额外的设施,如游泳池和网球场. 业主可能负责额外的费用或收费.
合作社 拥有建筑物的公司的股份. 以法人为单位的个人租赁是公寓的独家使用权. 业主可以决定出售. 新买家须经合作公寓董事会批准. 可能对租房有限制. 合作社支付大部分楼宇维护和维修费用. Monthly payments to co-op cover insurance, taxes, 抵押贷款 on building 和 operating costs. 为偿还购买合作单位股份而支付的贷款. 以合作社股份作抵押的贷款. 在孩子和宠物等问题上能更严格吗. 更少的维护问题. 是否有额外的设施(游泳池、网球场等).). 业主可能负责额外的费用或收费.



  • 社区 : 房地产经纪人通常将其称为“位置”.“总的来说, the relative attractiveness of an area will usually be reflected in the level of prices in the neighborhood. 个人问题,比如好学校, easy access to public transportation or proximity to features such as shopping, 娱乐或工作, 决定什么是“好”位置的重要因素是什么.
  • 家居特色及特点 : 具体的家庭特征,如最小平方英尺, 卧室、浴室或游泳池的数量. 许多购物者会按优先顺序列出最吸引人的功能, 万一所提供的房屋缺乏一些理想的功能. 记住,房子总有一天会被卖掉, many individuals look for features that are attractive 和 useful both to themselves 和 to others.


  • 房地产中介: 房地产经纪人 在找房子方面会很有帮助吗, particularly those who have access to a computerized multiple listings service. 一个好的经纪人应该有丰富的房地产经验, 以及对特定地区或社区的详细了解.
  • 新住宅发展 : 新房往往比现房更贵. New homes also tend to have fewer problems, 和 often have builder warranties.
  • 分类广告 : 分类广告 in newspapers (both in print 和 online) can be useful sources of information. 这样的广告可以提供一个大致的价格水平. They can also provide leads to homes which are being sold directly by their owners, 而且不是通过代理人.

1 资料来源:美国人口普查局新闻稿, “季度住宅空置率和房屋拥有率”, 2022年第二季度.2022年8月2日.

2 Based on federal income tax law; state or local income tax law may vary.

3 付款包括本金、利息、估计税金和pp王者电子官网. 财产税和pp王者电子官网估计为1英镑.贷款金额的35%.

4 根据2017年减税和就业法案(TCJA), 2018 - 2025年, a taxpayer's deduction for property 和 state 和 local income or sales taxes, 限10美元,每年5万美元,000 MFS). 进一步, a deduction is allowed only for interest paid on "acquisition debt" (debt used to acquire or substantially improve a home), 第一个和第二个家, 最高750美元,000 ($375,000 MFS). TCJA also significantly exp和ed the st和ard deduction amounts available to individuals. Many taxpayers will find it more advantageous to use the exp和ed st和ard deduction, rather than claiming an itemized deduction for 抵押贷款 interest 和 property taxes.

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