Basement showing items on shelves 和 items leaning against walls.


Finished 和 unfinished basement storage can be tricky. Below are some tips to help make sure you keep the right things in your home's lower level.

Ah, the joys of having a below-ground level to your home. It might offer you a bonus space to transform into a family room or guest bedroom, or even just provide the right amount of square footage to use for short- 和 long-term storage. But basements 和 storage don't always make for happy home partners.

一些地下室—— 容易发生水浸, moisture-related模具,甚至是…… 昆虫或两只 — may not be the best place to pile all your excess 和 seasonal belongings. Consider these ideas to figure out what not to store in a basement, 和 how to stash items that are safe to place below ground.

What should you consider not storing in your basement?

  • 电子产品: Stashing gadgets you might use in the future — an old gaming system, for example — in an unfinished basement may seem like a good idea, 但是评估一下你的空间是如何控制气候的. 如果你还没写完, bulky 和 pricey electric items such as power drills or kitchen st和 mixers are better off on ground level or above. 如果你的地下室完工了, make sure that any TVs or other electronics are in a moisture-free space, 离开地面.
  • 作品: Still figuring out what to do with that painting you purchased on a whim? 别把它丢在没完工的地下室里. Humidity 和 poor ventilation can damage delicate paintings, photographs 和 other items.
  • 易燃物:很多 DIY材料 such as paint 和 other home supplies — think extra propane tanks — pose a fire risk, 特别是如果毗邻燃气电器. 按照制造商的建议储存.
  • 书籍和文件: Poor ventilation 和 humidity can wreak havoc on anything with a paper component. Unless your space is finished 和 not subject to big climate variations, 把书放在地上,并放在坚固的地方, 防泄漏的容器. 商店 方面的文件 such as birth certificates 和 Social 安全 cards higher than the basement in a locked fire box or 家安全.


If your basement is unfinished: Install basement storage shelves so you can keep items you're storing in the basement off the floor.

  • 扔掉你不需要的东西: Declutter 和 donate or throw away all items you no longer have use for before you begin.
  • 家具: Place foldable items stacked neatly against a wall so they're accessible but retrievable.
  • 大宗家居及厨房用品: 大量的必需品, 包括厕纸, 纸巾, 一次性餐具和任何其他 家居用品,应储存在离地面的架子上. That way, even if your basement floor does get damp, it won't damage these items.
  • 不易腐烂的食品: As with bulk household supplies, stash the extras on shelves off the basement floor.
  • 户外配件: The basement is a good spot for yard accessories or other gardening supplies. However, heavier outdoor furniture can remain outside under all-weather covers.


If your basement gets damp: Invest in mold-proof storage containers to store anything that might attract moisture, 包括书籍和服装. 除了上面的建议:

  • 衣服: Keep extra or seasonal clothing in sealed containers off the basement floor, if possible.
  • 家具: Any fabric or foam pieces, such as cushions, should be cleaned 和 stored off the basement floor.

记住,保持 小额捐款箱 in the basement to collect items such as old toys, clothes 和 blankets that are ready to repurpose. When the bin is full, take it to a donation drop-off point. Also, after cleaning up 和 reorganizing your basement, take time to review what's in your 车库里存储在你的水槽下面.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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A home inventory can expedite insurance claims process after theft, damage or loss.


A flooded basement: Safe steps to clean up 和 help prevent future damage.


帮助 reduce sewer or drain losses in your basement by checking drainage, 安装水泵,减少回流.


不知道什么不该放在车库里? 有些项目可能会让你大吃一惊. Learn more about what can stay 和 what should be stored elsew在这里.